Form Builder

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Local History Digitization Project

Thank you for your interest in the Brantford Public Library digitization project. 

If you have items you would like to contribute, please complete the below form and upload your file. Note, if you have multiple files, you will need to complete separate submissions for each file. 

Image permissions and release agreement

I hereby grant to the Brantford Public Library (the “Library”) the right to reproduce, use, exhibit, display, broadcast, distribute, and create derivative works of the digitized images for use in connection with the Library’s digital collection and services of the Library or for promoting, publicizing, or explaining the Library or its collection and services.

This grant includes, without limitation, the right to publish such images in the Library’s digital history collection, PR/promotional materials, fund-raising materials, and any other Library-related publications. If I choose, I may also grant others the right to share and modify my images. (See the the next page for information about “Creative Commons.”)

These images may appear in any of the wide variety of formats and media now available to the Library and that may be available to the Library in the future, including but not limited to print and electronic/online media.

I agree to the above

Image Details 

RESTRICTIONS FOR USE (Please note: If there is a restriction to use this image, the Library will gladly include the information. However, since the Digital Collections website is open to the public and the Library does not monitor use of the images, the Library cannot guarantee that people using the site will adhere to restrictions posted. We must assume that people will use the honour system.)

Would you like to release your item under a Creative Commons license to allow others to share it?

Allowed extensions pdf, doc, docx, xls, xlsx, jpg, jpeg, gif, png, tif