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Request for Reconsideration Form

As reflected in our Intellectual Freedom Policy and our Collections Policy, the Brantford Public Library endorses the basic principles of Intellectual Freedom as one of its core values. In addition, as outlined in the following statement by the Canadian Federation of Library Associations:

“It is the responsibility of libraries to guarantee and facilitate access to all expressions of knowledge and intellectual activity, including those which some elements of society consider to be unconventional, unpopular or unacceptable. To this end, libraries shall acquire and make available the widest variety of materials.”

Library customers who object to library materials or services are asked to complete this form to request the reconsideration of the specific materials or services.

Reconsideration requests will be explored and responded to by the Manager, Library Resources.

The CEO / Chief Librarian holds the ultimate authority to decide whether or not to uphold the material or service. 

The requester will be provided with a written explanation of the decision, upon completion of the review of the material or service.

Do you represent yourself or an organization?
I read, listened to, or viewed this materials completely
I attended the entire program/service