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Suggest for Purchase Form

Do you have a suggestion for an item to add to our collection?

The Brantford Public Library orders all the bestsellers and popular titles you are looking for. However, sometimes a book or movie takes off and we may have missed it. If so, please let us know. The Library considers the addition of materials in accordance with the library's Collection Development Policy. This service is intended only for items not already in our catalogue. Please check the Library catalogue before making any suggestions.

Some general guidelines for purchase recommendations:

  • It is usually not necessary to recommend soon-to-be-published titles by popular authors as the library has likely already ordered these.
  • As a rule, material that is older than 2 years will not be purchased. Contact the library if you wish to make an InterLibrary Loan request.
  • Please check Laurier University Primo catalogue for academic materials.
  • Please submit a request only once.

Please fill out the form below, and we will consider purchasing this item.

Yes, I have checked the library catalogue for this item
Intended audience
Format (please choose only 1 format type)
Would you like a hold to be placed on this item IF it is purchased? Please note that we will try, but we cannot guarantee, that you will be the first in line.
Pickup location